Nancy Pelosi has officially lost it

I think it's safe to say that Pelosi has officially lost it. Then again, she could have lost it years ago.
Nancy Pelosi has really made a name for herself constantly blaming others and not hatching a single idea or policy. In an interview with Meet the Press, Nancy Pelosi explained,
"The president, I think, talking about this wall, is expressing a sign of weakness. He is saying I can’t control our borders, I have to build a wall."
According to Nancy, it is a weakness to admit you can't control what happens between 1,700 miles of open land. She thinks the Trump administration should have the issue on the border solved. However, when Trump offers a solution, like turning open land into closed, impassible land, apparently it's not good enough. Nancy has no problem shutting down "the wall" or "mass deportations," but she and all the other democrats have failed to come up with a single idea when it comes to securing our borders. Instead of shooting everything down, maybe the democrats should take a lesson from Republicans during Obama's terms and carry on with their agenda instead of literally doing nothing.
Even though the Democrats are trying their best with this resist strategy, they might as well come up with some ideas to keep their voters alive. While some argue that a physical wall won't solve anything, (even though those people have no problem locking their doors at night) they should at least push for some kind of barrier. Sensors and alarms or drones and a larger workforce would be better than the sad state of affairs our current border is in.
When I look at the democratic leadership with comedian like Pelosi, the furious, outrageous, far left DNC leader Thomas Perez, and Chuck Shumer, who is starting to look pretty normal, I can't help but think Democrats are trying to ruin their own party. I never thought I'd say this, but Bernie seems to be the smartest, most ordinary Democrat right now.
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