San Francisco district court strikes down Trump's EO limiting funding for Sanctuary Cities

The balance of powers our government was founded on seems to have been lost. Apparently, any local judge can overturn a democratically elected president's order, even when that judge donated $230,000 to Obama before he was nominated.
Last night, a San Francisco district court judge blocked Trumps executive Order that would have restricted funds to several Sanctuary Cities. While the order was more of a threat to deter the proliferation of more Sanctuary Cities, Congress would have to approve a bill that would cut a significant amount of funding for these illegal cities.
While it's appalling that such an order would get blocked, this judge, William H. Orrick who donated $230,000 to Obama's presidential campaign and was later appointed by Obama, represents a bigger issue with America's court system. Despite local judges upholding orders such as these, one political activist from one district in the whole country is able to stop a presidential action, just like the time the a federal judge from Hawaii blocked Trump's immigration ban because it would "hurt their economies."
The immigration ban had absolutely no reason to be blocked in the first place. According to a law passed by Congress, the president has the ability to suspend immigration for any class of people he deems dangerous to the United States for any amount of time. Groups of people have been banned numerous times throughout America's history, but no one seemed to care until now. Think back to the time Obama temporarily blocked immigration from Iraq -- do you remember the uproar?
This is the second time that Trump has had one of his orders blocked, all of which have been blocked by liberal judges on the west coast. When these decisions are appealed, they go on to the 9th Circuit Court, the most liberal court in America. This court has really made a name for itself, over-turning a massive 80% of cases.
Trump has promised to appeal both cases to the United States Supreme Court, where these orders will hopefully be held up. At the minimum, if one or both are deemed unconstitutional, maybe we can get an actual reason they are considered unconstitutional. Either way, it is imperative that the SC clears up the nonsense that people from the Middle East have rights in the US, including the right to come and live in the States. There is absolutely no way the founding fathers meant to give American rights to those who believe Western Culture is poisonous.
Executive Orders can only go so far, it's time for the Republican controlled Congress to get moving on things like Sanctuary City Funding, Health Care, and security. The White House can't do everything.
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