Preparing for possible North Korean launch, Trump invites all senators along with Secretary of State

If something's about to go down, it could go down as soon as this week.
Very rarely is there a 100 senator meeting at the White House, but things seem to be getting more and more intense. Apparently, a meeting with the entire House is being scheduled. This meeting comes days after satellites picked up North Korea prepping for what looks to be a nuclear test.
Within the past two days, Trump has also called Chinese President Xi and Japanese President Abe on North Korea. The Trump administration seems to know something that we don't. While the purpose of these actions aren't crystal clear, we know they are about North Korea and the threat they pose to America and its allies.
Tomorrow, April 25, marks another dreaded anniversary of North Korea's military. The regime is known to conduct displays of strength on important days, and there's no reason tomorrow is going to be any different.
Whatever happens, the Trump administration is obviously forming a plan. The meeting with congress shows, interestingly enough, that Trump may be trying to appease congress by unofficially seeking their approval on military action in the Korean Peninsula, while still keeping any attacks or retaliations secret.
On top of this all is the recent threats by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Not only have they threatened to destroy the USS Vinson, but they have also threatened to deliver devastation an unsaid US city via long-range continental missiles.
Thanks to Obama doing nothing in the last two years of his term despite numerous test launches, North Korea has been able to gain some success on their missile program, and according to some, already may have a nuclear capable continental missile.
When the capitol of South Korea, which lies 60 miles south of NK, gets demolished by North Korea's childish temper, they will be blaming someone, and it won't be Trump.
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